Model/Actriz - Dogsbody

True Panther

model actriz dogsbody

The debut album from Brooklyn-based band 'Model/Actriz' ominously rides in on brooding rhythms, moments of vulnerability and devastating - at times immensely beautiful - guitar work. 2023 sees a strong contender for debut of the year join the ranks. Dogsbody: someone who does menial or drudge work. For some, the purpose of existence, for others, the most unbearable and tragic undertaking known to man.

From a rather relaxed state to manic and irreverent in the blink of an eye, Dogsbody feels like a schizophrenic episode playing out in front of your mind. The hints at sinister disposition ruminate like evil spirits - speaking in tongues from the ether - and beg to be given the attention that they work so hard for - you will give in, you will surrender to these thoughts. Lost in the maze of your mind, the hellish landscape brings on bouts of intense fluorescence - to the point of burning your eyes. The smell of singed hair lingers - curling up and withering away. The ash-ridden body turns a once bearable situation into a rotten experience. Jittery jaunts. Loss of control. Hatred of being awake. Forced to partake in things that lack a purpose or destination. It's all about the journey, but good grief it must be better than this.

Model/Actriz are maybe the only act that can keep up with Gilla Band's explosive and screeching tendencies - the choice of guitar tones and the visceral capacity surrounding the aesthetical use of the guitar comes front and center. A wild variety of uses - along with it range - of the guitar are displayed across Dogsbody - from soundscapes to melody to direct and indirect avenues explored. Back this frantic, frenzied and ultimately compelling guitar work up with motoric rhythms and you're in for a twisted and industrially infused factory-floor fiesta.

Dogsbody is emotive on a stirring level. It gets under the skin and inside of the skull. 

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